
Arthritis in dogs

Arthritis is a common condition in dogs, especially as they age. It is a degenerative disease that affects the joints, causing pain and inflammation. Managing arthritis in dogs is essential to ensure they have a comfortable and high-quality life. The first step in managing arthritis in dogs is to make sure they are receiving proper…

Heated cat beds

Do Self Warming Heated Cat Beds Help Cats—And Are They Safe? Self-warming cat beds are designed to provide your feline friend with a warm and cozy place to rest. These beds use materials that reflect your cat’s body heat back to them, helping to keep them warm even on the coldest days. But do they…

Dogs and fear of thunder

Thunderstorms: Five Tips to Calm Your Dog Does your pet turn into a scaredy-dog during thunderstorms? If so, he’s certainly not alone. Thunderstorm anxiety affects many dogs and can often increase as they age. With symptoms ranging from barking and chewing to self-injury, it can be a serious problem for both dog and owner. When…